Product Description :

Arthrosol Tablet is an effective remedy for various problems related to arthritis. This herbal remedy for arthritis provides a perfect solution when the going gets tough. Arthrosol Tablet is a Potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, boswellic acid, guggulsterone (guggulu) and bioflavonoids inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. It relaxes muscle and improves joint mobility at the earliest. Removes uric acid deposits from joints, helpful in gouty arthritis, Mild on gastric mucosa; safe unlike NSAIDs.


  • Rheumatoid and Rheumatic arthritis
  • Osteo Arthritis
  • Arthritis in Filariasis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Scantica
  • Fibrositis
  • Lumbago
  • Gout
  • Chronic back-ache
  • All inflammatory conditions (Skeleto-muscular, Neuro-muscular), Stiffness, Bodyaches, etc.


1 Tablet twice daily, or as directed.

Packing -

120 tablets in a bottle.