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Who We Are!

Alphasan India is a leading company in the field of Phytogenic Veterinary Feed Supplement. Alphasan India manufactures and markets a wide range of products, specially Nutritional Feed Supplements for Dairy, Swine, Poultry, Aqua and Pet feed supplement. Alphasan India has been awarded certificates such as ISO 9001:2000, HACCP and GMP for manufacturing of Veterinary Products.

Cattle Image

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Vision & Mission

Our Vision and Mission is to constantly reclassify creature services and nourishment in a novel way by applying standards of supportability to Veterinary medication and Creature sustenance since creatures are a fundamental piece of our eco-framework and merit care.
It is our steady undertaking to guarantee accessibility of value items with predictable, submitted and committed endeavours. We are prepared in each regard to render our administrations with energy, trust and certainty. Our products and services are the most valued by Animal Health customers around the world.

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